05 April 2015

Goals for the writing life (ROW80 Round 2)

It's the start of another round of A Round of Words in 80 Days, "the writing challenge that knows you have a life." The next three months will bring about at least two major events: 1) another move, and 2) the publication of my pseudonym's next novel.

Creative Projects
Work on my creative projects this next round will involve a little bit of everything: drafting, receiving feedback, revision, editing, submitting, and publishing. Below I've broken down my project plans by month.

  • Line & copy editing of pseudonym's WIP1
  • Set up WIP1 blog tour for June
  • Draft WIP1 book description
  • 1st drafts of dream prose poems while WIP1 is with editors
This week's tasks: Line edit WIP1; make initial book blog tour inquiries.

  • Self-publish WIP1
  • Put together WIP1 media packet
  • 1st drafts of 4 short stories
  • (If time: work on dream poems)
  • Promote WIP1
  • Revise 4 short stories
  • Revise & submit 2 dream poems per week

I want to continue posting at least twice a week on this blog - ideally thrice - which includes running my next guest post series about the characteristics of good writing. My editing colleague Rebecca Heyman has agreed to contribute the first post, and I expect that to go up in the next week or two. Woot!

I didn't do much with my pseudonym's blog last round, choosing instead to focus on a rebranding process for her. Now that that work is nearly done, I expect to pick back up with her blog. My goal is to post on her site at least once a month.

This week's tasks: Post on Wednesday & Friday on this blog; create list of potential blog topics for pseudonym's blog; contact 1 person about participating in characteristics of good writing series.

Reading for fun
Last round I set a goal to read a book a week, which I exceeded, although I didn't end up reading the books I thought I would. That's okay, though; the point is to read each week for fun. I'm repeating that goal this round.

This week I'll finish Golden Fool by Robin Hobb, and I imagine at some point in the near-ish future I'll read the last book in Hobb's Tawny Man trilogy, Fool's Fate. My local independent bookstore finally got a couple of Walter Moers books in, and I bought both: The Alchemaster's Apprentice and The 13 1/2 Live of Captain Bluebear. Will definitely be reading those this round as well.

This week's task: Finish reading Golden Fool by Robin Hobb.

I will:
  • Comment on 2-3 fellow ROWers' posts per week
  • Find 2-3 more writing/publishing-related blogs to follow
  • Interact with other writers on Twitter on a weekly basis
This week's tasks: Comment on 2-3 ROWers' posts; interact with writers on Twitter.

What are your goals for your writing life over the next three months?


  1. I never thought about putting the interaction with other writers in my goals. That's a great goal. When we get in deep with a project it's an easy one to miss, and not even remember how long it's been.

    Thanks again for visiting my blog. I look forward to reading something you've written.

    1. Indeed! Staying connected with other writers helps me feel less crazy. ;*) I neglected to mention it in my post, but there's a coffee shop I go to almost every week morning when I live in Portland where other writer-friends hang out. It's great to look up from my computer and see other people eyeball-deep in their creative processes, too.
