14 August 2013

Writing prompt 11

It's writing prompt day!! =*D

You wanna know why I'm so happy? Because I've actually been writing this week! Oh miracle of miracles! Joy of joys! (P.S. The world needs more exclamation points!!!) But I'll say more about my own writing in my ROW80 update below. On to the prompt.

This week's writing prompt consists of a couple of sentences that formed in my vicinity last week. I don't know what to do with them - I have too many other works in progress - so I offer them to you.

Prompt: I think - but don't say aloud - that her tears mean less because she is so free with them. How can I believe she loves me when I've seen her cry just as hard over a Benji movie?

If you're new to these weekly writing prompts and wondering what you're supposed to do with it, the answer is: pretty much whatever you want. Maybe these sentences set your brain on fire and inspire a new story/poem/essay. (That would be my hope!) Or maybe you just use them as a place to start freewriting for five minutes or so, as a way to warm up to your writing. (That'd be cool, too.) Whatever you decide to do, I encourage you to focus this week on writing as fun. Writing as play. Set your mind free and see where it goes.

ROW80 update 
For the sake of saving space and time, I'm going to refer to my goals by their numbers rather than re-listing them every week, but you can see the goals the numbers refer to in this post.

1. (a) No readings attended. I was sorry to miss Willa Schneberg at Stonehenge on Sunday, but I just couldn't swing it.

(b) Have started writing my next VoiceCatcher article, which is about Trista Cornelius. Her essay "Running with Dragons" was published in the Fall 2012 issue, and when I poked around to read some of her other stuff, I just about died laughing reading this post from her personal blog.

(c) As I said, have lined up Jay Ponteri for this month's author interview (yay!), which I intend to post on Aug. 30.

2. Writing sprints! Writing sprints! I've actually been writing this week! =*D And it feels wonderful. As you may remember from last week, I've been playing around with my schedule. This week my schedule has me starting and ending each work day with an hour of writing. Part of what lit a fire under my butt was that my Muse was nagging me. But I also discovered that a couple of the short speculative fiction stories I've been working on this year actually match up with a couple upcoming themed deadlines: "Fear" from Inaccurate Realities (due tomorrow) and a Fox Spirit anthology called Girl at the End of the World (due Aug. 31). So my goal is to finish them and submit them by the deadlines. A tall order, to be sure, but I'm going for it.

3. No market research this week, but I plan to post my next market review by next Friday.

4. Woot! Yesterday I met with Rhonda Hughes, the owner of Hawthorne Books, a small press in my town of Portland, OR that has nationwide distribution. She was gracious enough to give me half an hour out of her packed schedule to answer a range of questions about traditional publishing, and I can't wait to share what I learned with you. Only I'm going to have to wait, because I don't have time to do it this week. Will figure out the when soon.

5. D'oh! I did such a good job of checking in with fellow ROW80ers last week, but when I changed up my schedule and to-do list this week, I totally forgot to include this goal. Will add it back in.

This is a blog hop! Click here to read other ROW80 participants' check-ins.


  1. That's a cute prompt... I know there are people who do that (both the wondering and the crying), so it could be a fun thing to write. Not now... I have other fun things to write at the moment.

    Yay for the writing... hugs for the missed reading (thanks for reminding that there are some readings going on this weekend at our local indie)--sounds like it would have been amazing. Still, you got so much done on other goals, Sione. Sometimes it's all you can do.

    1. Thanks so much for the encouragement & hugs, Eden. There are so many awesome literary events going on all the time in PDX - it makes my head spin thinking about it! On the one hand I feel so lucky to have access to all this lit-geek stuff, and on the other it makes me crazy to not have enough time to enjoy it all. Sigh. Seriously, though, life could be a lot worse. ;*)
