04 September 2013

Writing prompt 14

Happy Wednesday! Time for the weekly writing prompt and my ROW80 update.

Oh, and did I mention? My story "The Usual" was accepted by Inaccurate Realities! =*D I'm going to be in their first issue, Fear, along with four other writers! Woot!

The main thing you gotta know about free birds is, they ain't free. Not really. Ain't nothing in this life for free. Free money ain't free, and neither is free birds. Everything comes at a price. Ev. 'Ry. Thing.

ROW80 Update

For the sake of saving space and time, I'm going to refer to my goals by their numbers rather than re-listing them every week, but you can see the goals the numbers refer to in this post.

1. (a) No readings attended, but I'm reading at Rain or Shine tomorrow (eek!); (b) Last VoiceCatcher article submitted & due to be published  in late September; (c) Did you see Part I & Part II of my interview with Jay Ponteri last month? Good stuff on writing & publishing memoir. Coming up later this month: Steven Parton talks about his writing process & the differences between writing fiction and writing stand-up comedy. =*D

2. The writing is going awesome. I think there was maybe one day over the last week when I didn't do any creative writing because I was so tired, but I've been making satisfying progress on my speculative fiction short stories and my pseudonym's projects.

And my short story "The Usual" was accepted by Inaccurate Realities! And it looks like my story "Zombie" is going to be placed as well! (More on that when it's finalized.) Very exciting stuff.

3. No market research this week. Still haven't decided whether to continue doing this one.

4. Working on my blog post about my conversation with Rhonda Hughes from Hawthorne Books and plan to publish it this Friday.

5. N/A - goal abandoned.

This is a blog hop. Click here to read other ROW80 participants' check-ins.

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