18 December 2013

Writing prompt 27

Once again it's time for the weekly writing prompt and ROW80 update. Woo hoo!

For some reason I've been writing a lot of poetry over the last week or so. Not saying it's good stuff, but it does just keep flowing, and I do my best to honor what comes by writing it down in my notebook. This week's prompt is something I jotted down yesterday that may or may not be part of a poem I may or may not finish. Do with it what you will.

I'm removing from my bedside table all the things that burn. 

ROW80 Update
"A Round of Words in 80 Days is the writing challenge that knows you have a life." You can find a more complete description of my goals for 2013 Round 4 here.

1. Drafting. As mentioned above, the poetry's been pouring out. Maybe it's all the readings I've attended lately (see #5 below). Also got a new sf story idea that I'm excited about, and talking about it to my friend Chuck Caruso has got me thinking about possibly soliciting stories from other writers and putting it into an anthology all based on the same world. Yes, I'm being intentionally vague. Sorry. I'm just not ready to say more yet.

2. Revising. Actually, yes, a little bit. I've been working on this piece called "The Boyish Man" for ages, and I'm doing another revision because I might read it at Rain or Shine in January. But no progress this week on revising "The Choice" or the other stories in the sf collection.

3. Blog schedule. Missed Monday because I didn't know what to write about and was really busy, but I was inspired by events in my friends' lives to write one yesterday about responding to rejection - in love as well as in creative pursuits. This Friday's interview, with Heather Jacobs, editor of Big Fiction Magazine, takes a look at the submission process from the magazine editor's side of things.

4. Submitting. Nothing submitted this week, partly due to selling-the-house stuff and partly because I was feeling too self-satisfied after last week's 1-day acceptance of "Unborn."

5. Rain or Shine reading series. I've been going to so many readings, and it's been wonderful!!!
  • Last Thursday I enjoyed Vargus Pike and Jan Baross's reading at Rain or Shine. Vargus invited me to email him five words, which he said he'd work into a Shakespearean sonnet. Will let you know if he sends me the poem.
  • On Sunday I heard Carl Adamshick and Joanna Prahl, both of whom were inspiring, at Stonehenge Studios. They both read lines I wanted to put in my pocket and carry around with me so I could bring them out and admire them from time to time. And I read a prose poem during the open mic portion of the evening, which was scary (how soon I forget how to be brave!) but also a good experience.
  • Monday night brought the first Readings from the Gut, organized by my friend and fellow writer Carrie Padian, whose name you might recognize because I've raved about her blog, Sweet Nugget, and I interviewed her for VoiceCatcher. She brought together a talented group of writers - Elizabeth Moscoso, Zach Ellis, Jessica Zisa, Matthew Rucker, Kenneth Schultz, and Isaiah Jackson - who all read something that tickled/fascinated/resonated with me.
  • On Tuesday night VoiceCatcher hosted its first year-end party at In Other Words (Portland's feminist community center), which featured readings from several contributors. My favorite line of the night came from Laura Stanfill's story, which I believe is being published in the upcoming Winter issue, and was: "Bonjour, madame. I have a tiny organ."
I feel so lucky to live in a town full of talented writers who inspire me and each other. I'm sure going to miss Portland's literary community when I move. =*(...
6. ROW80 community. Done! Checked in with one or two people last week and three more today, which exceeds my goal. (Or gives me a head start on next week?)

This is a blog hop! Click here to read other ROW80 participants' check-ins.


  1. Oooh, intentional vagueness! I've tried writing poetry before and I don't know if any of it was any good but it was kind of fun. Unfortunately -- or maybe fortunately, depending -- I no longer have any of it...no, wait, I think I might. Oh dear...

    Good luck with the house sale!

    1. I wrote a poem last night that's a meditation on "good" writing/poetry. Dunno if it's any good, but it was amusing to write. =*)

      Did you go read your old poems? What did you think??
